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Do not panic. Just be aware. And wash your hands.

By Tatiana S. ~ Publisher and Editor of Macaroni Kid Five Towns-Valley Stream-The Rockaways March 7, 2020

Every Day, many times a day info and stats change concerning the coronavirus of COVID-19. I wanted to write an article about things we should know about it. 

One of my fellow publishers has written a comprehensive look at the virus as well as a timeline of articles about it. Anu Kapur wrote the article is: How to prepare for Coronavirus, Includes the latest news on Coronavirus in New York.  She publishes Lower Manhattan - Downtown Macaroni Kid Edition. 

Here are some things to think about and do right now as New York has been declared a state-of-emergency:

  • Wash your hands often (wash for 20 seconds) -  after going to the bathroom and touching doorknobs, rails, etc. If soap and water is not near, use and carry an alcohol based sanitizer with 60% alcohol. 
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue and throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Avoid handshakes and hugs right now with people you meet.
  • Try to avoid packed crowds in enclosed areas (subways). Walk or drive right now, or wait for an emptier subway car.
  • Keep seniors and people with underlying health issues away from crowds right now.
  • Spring is in the air. It's a good time to be outside. Take the kids to a beach where it is probably not crowded and run on the sand!
  • If you don't feel well, stay home from work, and keep the kids home if they are unwell too!
  • Keep a distance from sick people.
  • Teaching moment to have kids wash hands and not share food or drinks or straws or spoons etc..
  • Try to stop touching your face (eyes, nose and mouth) and teach the kids too.
  • Teach kids not to put things in their mouths, like pencils etc
  • Disinfect frequently used objects and surfaces with household cleaning spray or antiseptic wipes.
  • Don't panic.This too will pass. 

You can always continue to go to some Government and other websites for up-to-date info: