
Woodmere Ladies Night Out: A Night of Enchantment

Save the date: Tuesday, August 15th

By Dara Kotkin, Five Towns-VS Publisher August 6, 2017

Bellydance cabaret means performances, time for all to dance, tables for you to sit, raffles to browse, friends to be made! Several of your neighbors will be dancing as well as a stunning lineup of professional performers each with their own unique style. Organized by women, all female performers, MC, and lighting we can do it all! This is about women feeling empowered and connected through sharing dance. Come to love your body, love your soul! 

If you'd like to contribute something to the raffle Message the Facebook Event or email me, your very own local publisher at


Visit the calendar HERE and add it to your Google Calendar with 1 click!

$25 tickets (CASH ONLY) sold at the door include 2 drinks (alcoholic or non-alcoholic). 

This night is for women only, thinking of bringing your daughter? Minimum suggested age is 15+.